Thursday, July 19, 2012

How To Design And Install Navarathiri Golu Steps?

How To Design And Install Navarathiri Golu Steps?

What Are Navarathiri Golu Steps? What is Navarathiri? What is Golu?

Navarathiri is a term from Sanskrit language meaning nine auspicious nights.   The Hindus  in India celebrate the Navarathiri. These nine auspicious nights fall in the last two weeks of September/first two weeks of October every year! 

Golu is a display of dolls on tapering wood steps, depicting the historical, mythological and folklores in Hinduism. The purpose is to promote the knowledge of Hindu culture, conventions and traditions to the children of every next generation. 

Significance Of The Auspicious Nine Nights!

The first three nights are utilized for worshipping the Goddess of Power,  Mother Durga.
The second three nights for the Goddess Of Wealth, Mother Lakshmi 
The third three nights for the Goddess of Knowledge, Mother Saraswathi.
The three aspects of the one Universal Mother are worshipped during the Navarathiri nights.

Golu steps may be five,  seven and nine. Steps may be of wood or any other material.

   Golu: Wood Step Supports For Side & Middle  


    Golu: Seven Wood Steps On The Basic Wood Supports 

     Golu: White cloth covering the wood steps.

Saree covers the mid portion

     Dolls set over the steps for the best display.

Now The Golu is ready for the Navarathiri Celebrations! Let us invite the children to celebrate!

Are you tempted to follow this age old tradition in all countries to impart the knowledge of your 
ancestry, mythology, conventions, traditions and healhy folklores that build character and the  future world citizens?


  1. This is a unique celebration with the purpose of imparting glimpses of the culture, folk lores, history, mythology, the epics, of the Hindu Society to the
    the next generation of youngsters, to build them into robust future citizens
    of the world. This is an ongoing celebrations reaching out to the future generations. Celebrated in the last part of september and the first of october every year.


  2. The above comment triggered my thoughts and desired that every culture globally should transfer their knowledge and heritage to the newer generations. In this regard I would like to add that to improve online traffic to the blogs and websites, adding quality web links, a good idea.

    Ambal Rajan,
